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                About CSP Focus

                CSP Focus—Your Professional CSP Partner

                Having been devoting to CSP industry since 2011, CSP Focus is honored to witness the progress of global CSP markets. Based in one of the most promising CSP markets— China, and foot printed in other regions like Europe, USA, India, Middle East and Africa. CSP Focus is specialized in organizing top-level conferences, business visitings, exhibitions and technical trainings, and provide CSP related market analysis and research, business matching and out sourcing, business intelligence and report, etc. Having built a good reputation and is widely acknowledged by world CSP key players, CSP Focus continues in trying best to establish the bridge between China and Global, and to assist you heart and soul in your CSP business development at the very exciting and inspiring moment for global CSP industry.

                What we do

                CSP Focus is specialized in organizing top-level conferences, business visit, exhibitions and technical trainings, and provide CSP related market analysis and research, business matching and outsourcing, business intelligence and report, etc.

                As a member of global CSP market, CSP Focus is devoted to offering comprehensive consultancy services to all industry players. The main categories include:

                • Industry High-level Conferences focusing on some certain markets like Spain, USA, China, MENA, South Africa and India.

                • Professional CSP Seminars with the themes of technology innovation, financing and project promotion etc.

                • Training Courses especially designed for industry learners to study detailed knowledge and experience of project development, design, engineering, system integration, construction, operation & maintenance. The tutors are executive experts from global leading developer /EPC companies.

                • CSP Business Tours guide groups of industry delegation to specifically visit the local CSP operational plants, labs, R&D centers and companies in other markets.

                • Business Matching acts as the bridge to buyers and vendors locally and globally in technology transfer, product purchasing, corporate M&A etc.

                • Industry Expert Sourcing & Headhunting helps the CSP companies to hire perfect staff.

                • Consultancy services include creating CSP peer community online and offline, event marketing, industry reports, due diligence etc.


                  1. 2011
                  2. Nov., 2011, the first CSP Focus summit was held in Beijing for gathering global CSP industry players to share China and international CSP markets and study advanced technologies. CSP Focus China created the first commercial conference opportunity in China for global CSP industry players. Up to date, CSP Focus China is embracing its 7th annual event scheduled on Mar.23-24 in 2017.

                  1. 2012
                  2. Sept., 2012, CSP Focus created another pattern to bridge cross-border communication---CSP Business Tour. Led by CSP Focus, groups of Chinese CSP delegation visited the operational CSP plants, CSP labs and R&D centers in Spain and USA. At the time of learning experience from overseas counterparts, they developed deep cooperation and friendship in a long run.

                  1. 2014
                  2. From the year of 2014, CSP Focus expands globally by entering into other emerging CSP markets like India, MENA, South Africa and Chile. Cooperating with the local CSP experts, CSP Focus organizes CSP industry summits, matches Chinese delegation to local partners during business tours…

                  1. 2016
                  2. Jan., 2016, to fulfill the demand of Chinese CSP players to systematically learn overseas plant development, EPC and O&M, CSP Focus initiates CSP Training Course. The tutor team is formed of Spanish CSP experts with rich experience in CSP project development, engineering and O&M ever working in world leading CSP developers/EPCs.

                  1. 2019
                  2. CSP Focus has been consistently providing high-quality events and services to global CSP peers, and becoming widely recognized as the top media and consultancy in CSP industry.

                  1. Vision & Mission
                  2. Vision & Mission

                    Having built a good reputation and is widely acknowledged by world CSP key players, CSP Focus continues in trying best to establish the bridge between China and Global, and to assist you heart and soul in your CSP business development at the very exciting and inspiring moment for global CSP industry.

                  1. Social Responsibility
                  2. Social Responsibility

                    CSP, a high-efficient way of generating power from the sun, could contribute a lot to the sustainable development of global economy and environment protection. Though facing some obstacles and challenges since the start-up, CSP industry peers could persistently devote to such an amazing course. CSP Focus, as a world leading media and consultancy, is honored to witness the up-and-downs of global CSP market, and will spare no efforts in creating platforms of communication and study, acting as the bridge to Chinese and overseas counterparts, and delivering the industry news and information.

                  1. Corporate Culture
                  2. Corporate Culture

                    CSP Focus is a team of young professionals with full enthusiasm in CSP industry. We cherish every moment of communicating with the industry customers: jointly solve problems, offer tailored solutions, and celebrate every success… Based on mutual trust and support, we are quite delighted to be your professional CSP partner.

                Partner & Customer

                CSP Focus has been keeping in good relationship with most of global CSP industry leaders and players including policy regulators, CSP project developer/EPCs, investors, key component and material manufacturers, service and technology providers etc. 

                Latest News

                See more+
                • Engie starts 30 MW Concentrated Solar Power plant for Heineken Spain

                  Engie had started building a 30 MW concentrated solar power (CSP) plant for Heineken in Seville, Spain.The EUR-20-million CSP project will result in a self-consumption scheme that will produce thermal energy for Heineken’s beer factory, enabling the brewer to reduce fossil gas consumption by over 60%. Earlier this year,The facility will be located on Heineken’s factory grounds in Seville where E

                • 30 CSP Projects Started - Explore more on 12th CSP Focus China 2022, Nov 2-3.

                  The development of CSP is entering into a fast track in 2022 here in China. Within the Multi-Energy RE complex combining with PV and/or Wind, CSP is playing a role as stabilizer and regulator, easing the power fluctuation and curtailment of PV and Wind. CSP is a must and standard configuration in the newly announced around 30 “Wind/PV + CSP” Complexes located in Qinghai, Gansu, Jilin, Xinjiang

                • Magtel launches a hybrid solar power plant that will produce energy at night in Hornachuelos

                  The Cordoba-based engineering company Magtel has started the environmental consultation phase of the first hybrid renewable power plant to be proposed in the province of Cordoba. It will have (if it gets the papers) the two available solar technologies, solar thermal and photovoltaic, but it will have a peculiarity. You can create electrical energy at will. When the energy network demands it. Even

                • CSP Project Tenders Last Week (Sept 1-11)

                  Equipment Procurement Tenders- CGN New Energy Jilin 100MW CSP ProjectOn September 2, Daan Guangtou Zhongneng CSP Company issued a bidding announcement for the turbine generator set, steam generation system, solar concentration and heat collection system, cold salt pump, hot salt pump and thermoregulation pump of CGN New Energy Jilin 100MW CSP Project.Tender for Turbine Systems-Tibet Mining Zabuye

                Reports(Member Only)

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                Upcoming Events

                See more+
                • 2022.04.21-22     Beijing

                • 2021.10.28-29     Beijing

                • 10th CSP Focus China 2020

                  2020.10.22-23     Beijing, China

                Project Updates

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