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                Since 2011, CSP Focus has held tens of CSP industry summits and seminars worldwide. In China, South Africa, India, Spain and MENA, our brand summits have been the industry events which local industry players of CSP are commonly looking forward to. 


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                • Engie starts 30 MW Concentrated Solar Power plant for Heineken Spain

                  Engie had started building a 30 MW concentrated solar power (CSP) plant for Heineken in Seville, Spain.The EUR-20-million CSP project will result in a self-consumption scheme that will produce thermal energy for Heineken’s beer factory, enabling the brewer to reduce fossil gas consumption by over 60%. Earlier this year,The facility will be located on Heineken’s factory grounds in Seville where E

                • 30 CSP Projects Started - Explore more on 12th CSP Focus China 2022, Nov 2-3.

                  The development of CSP is entering into a fast track in 2022 here in China. Within the Multi-Energy RE complex combining with PV and/or Wind, CSP is playing a role as stabilizer and regulator, easing the power fluctuation and curtailment of PV and Wind. CSP is a must and standard configuration in the newly announced around 30 “Wind/PV + CSP” Complexes located in Qinghai, Gansu, Jilin, Xinjiang

                • Magtel launches a hybrid solar power plant that will produce energy at night in Hornachuelos

                  The Cordoba-based engineering company Magtel has started the environmental consultation phase of the first hybrid renewable power plant to be proposed in the province of Cordoba. It will have (if it gets the papers) the two available solar technologies, solar thermal and photovoltaic, but it will have a peculiarity. You can create electrical energy at will. When the energy network demands it. Even

                • CSP Project Tenders Last Week (Sept 1-11)

                  Equipment Procurement Tenders- CGN New Energy Jilin 100MW CSP ProjectOn September 2, Daan Guangtou Zhongneng CSP Company issued a bidding announcement for the turbine generator set, steam generation system, solar concentration and heat collection system, cold salt pump, hot salt pump and thermoregulation pump of CGN New Energy Jilin 100MW CSP Project.Tender for Turbine Systems-Tibet Mining Zabuye

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